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- 0 if a=0 then clr
- 5 rem copyright 1992 - compute publications intl ltd - all rights reserved
- 10 rem * compute demo maker v1.0 *
- 20 if a=0 then a=1:load"demo.code",8,1
- 30 dim c$(15),v(9),r(4)
- 40 for x=0 to 15:read a$:c$(x)=a$:next
- 50 for x=0 to 9:read a:v(x)=a:next
- 60 for x=0 to 44:read a:poke x+32768,a:next
- 70 r(0)=1:r(1)=2:r(2)=5:r(3)=6:r(4)=7
- 80 t$="yes":s=1185:k$="a":x=0
- 90 b$="----------------------------------------"
- 100 poke53272,23:poke53281,0:poke53280,11
- 110 print"[147][154] ** [212]he [195][207][205][208][213][212][197]! [196]emo [205]aker **"
- 120 print" [212]itle [204]etters [195]olor: [153]"c$(v(0))
- 130 print" [211]crolling [212]ext [195]olor: [153]"c$(v(1))
- 140 print" [212]ext on [210]aster [195]olor: [153]"c$(v(2))
- 150 print" [158][205]id [194]ackground [195]olor: [154]"c$(v(3))
- 160 print" [158][204]ow [194]ackground [195]olor: [154]"c$(v(4))
- 170 print" [205]ain [210]aster [208]art 1: [150]"c$(v(5))" shades"
- 180 print" [205]ain [210]aster [208]art 2: [150]"c$(v(6))" shades"
- 190 print" [211]mall [210]aster [195]olors: [156]"c$(v(7))" shades"
- 200 print" [205]iddle [198]ader [195]olors: [156]"c$(v(8))" shades"
- 210 print" [159][198]ader [211]peed (0 to 10): [156]"v(9)
- 220 print" [158][193]nimate [212]itle: [153]"t$
- 230 print" [197]nter [212]itle [212]ext"
- 240 print" [197]nter [211]crolling [212]ext"
- 250 print" [197]nter [205]iddle [212]ext"
- 260 print" [159][211][193][214][197] [212][200][197] [196][197][205][207]"
- 270 print"[153] [208][210][197][211][211] [211][208][193][195][197] [212][207] [208][210][197][214][201][197][215] [212][200][197] [196][197][205][207]"
- 280 sc=s+x*40:poke sc,62:pokesc+54272,1
- 290 get c$:ifc$="" and x<14 then pokesc,32:x=x+1
- 300 ifc$="[145]"and x>0 thenpokesc,32:x=x-1
- 310 if c$ <> "+" then 350
- 320 if x<=4 then if v(x)<15 then v(x)=v(x)+1:goto100
- 330 if x=9 then if v(x)<10 then v(x)=v(x)+1:goto100
- 340 if x<=8 then if v(x)<7 then 480
- 350 if c$ <> "-" then 390
- 360 if x<=4 then if v(x)>0 then v(x)=v(x)-1:goto100
- 370 if x=9 then if v(x)>0 then v(x)=v(x)-1:goto100
- 380 if x<=8 then if v(x)>1 then 500
- 390 if x=10 and c$=chr$(13) then 460
- 400 if x=11 and c$=chr$(13) then 770
- 410 if x=12 and c$=chr$(13) then 640
- 420 if x=13 and c$=chr$(13) then 700
- 430 if x=14 and c$=chr$(13) then 1100
- 440 if c$=" " then poke 18985,2:gosub 940:sys 18098:goto 100
- 450 goto 280
- 460 ift$="yes" then t$="no":goto100
- 470 ift$="no" then t$="yes":goto100
- 480 v(x)=v(x)+1:if v(x)=3thenv(x)=5
- 490 goto100
- 500 v(x)=v(x)-1:if v(x)=4thenv(x)=2
- 510 goto100
- 520 rem * text input *
- 530 m=0
- 540 print" [146]";
- 550 get c$:ifc$=""then550
- 560 print"[157] [157]";:ifc$=chr$(13)then return
- 570 ifc$<>chr$(20)then610
- 580 if m=0then540
- 590 m=m-1:print"[157] [157]";:ifm<1then530
- 600 goto540
- 610 if c$="[133]"then return
- 620 ifm>=le or (c$<" "orc$>"z") then540
- 630 m=m+1:printc$;:goto540
- 640 rem * scrolling text *
- 650 print chr$(147)b$""b$"[158][197]nter the scroll text now."
- 660 print"[208]ress <[210][197][212][213][210][206]> to store, <[198]1> to abort";
- 670 for y=16864 to 17263:poke y-15800,peek(y):next:le=398:gosub 520
- 680 if c$<>"[133]"then for y=1064 to 1463:poke y+15800,peek(y):poke y,42:next
- 690 goto100
- 700 rem * middle text *
- 710 print chr$(147)b$""b$"[158][197]nter the middle text now. [198]irst and
- 720 [153]"last lines are text on rasters."
- 730 [153]"(NULL)ress <(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)> to store, <asc1> to abort";
- 740 [129] y[178]16384 [164] 16863:[151] y[171]15320,[194](y):[130]:le[178]479:[141] 520
- 750 [139] c$[179][177]"input"[167] [129] y[178]1064 [164] 1543:[151] y[170]15320,[194](y):[151] y,42:[130] y
- 760 [137]100
- 770 [143] * title *
- 780 [153] [199](147)b$""b$"sysvalnter the title letters now."
- 790 [151]1084,45:[151]1124,45
- 800 [153]"18 (NULL)etters per line (spaces included)"
- 810 [153]"(NULL)o punctuation is allowed in title."
- 820 [153]"(NULL)ress <(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)> at end of each line"
- 830 [129] y[178]18341 [164] 18360:p[178]y[171]17277:v[178][194](y):[139] v[179][177]32 [167] v[178]v[171]64
- 840 [151]p,v:[130]
- 850 [129] y[178]18361 [164] 18380:p[178]y[171]17257:v[178][194](y):[139] v[179][177]32 [167] v[178]v[171]64
- 860 [151]p,v:[130]
- 870 [153]"";:le[178]19:[141]520
- 880 [153]:le[178]19:[141]520
- 890 [129] y[178]1064 [164] 1083:p[178]y[170]17277:v[178][194](y):[139] v[179][177]32 [167] v[178]v[170]64
- 900 [151]p,v:[151] y,42:[130]
- 910 [129] y[178]1104 [164] 1122:p[178]y[170]17257:v[178][194](y):[139] v[179][177]32 [167] v[178]v[170]64
- 920 [151]p,v:[151] y,42:[130]
- 930 [137]100
- 940 [143] * customizer *
- 950 [153]"load"
- 960 ad[178]18333:[151] ad,v(9):[151] ad[170]1,v(2):[151] ad[170]2,v(0):[151] ad[170]3,v(1)
- 970 [151] ad[170]4,0:[139] t$[178]"yes" [167] [151] ad[170]4,1
- 980 [151] ad[170]6,v(3):[151] ad[170]7,v(4)
- 990 [143] * rastercol *
- 1000 y[178]32768:[129] t[178]0 [164] 3:[139] r(t)[179][177]v(7) [167] y[178]y[170]9:[130]
- 1010 a[178]18312:[141]1090
- 1020 y[178]32768:[129] t[178]0 [164] 3:[139] r(t)[179][177]v(8) [167] y[178]y[170]9:[130]
- 1030 a[178]18321:[141]1090
- 1040 y[178]32768:[129] t[178]0 [164] 3:[139] r(t)[179][177]v(5) [167] y[178]y[170]9:[130]
- 1050 a[178]18264:[129] t[178]y [164] y[170]7:[129] u[178]0 [164] 2:[151] a,[194](t):a[178]a[170]1:[130] u:[130] t
- 1060 y[178]32768:[129] t[178]0 [164] 3:[139] r(t)[179][177]v(6) [167] y[178]y[170]9:[130]
- 1070 a[178]18288:[129] t[178]y [164] y[170]7:[129] u[178]0 [164] 2:[151] a,[194](t):a[178]a[170]1:[130] u:[130] t
- 1080 [142]
- 1090 [129] t[178]y [164] y[170]9:[151] a,[194](t):a[178]a[170]1:[130]:[142]
- 1100 [143] * save *
- 1110 [141] 940:[133]"load(NULL)hould demo boot another file? ycmdcmdcmd";a$
- 1120 [139] a$[178]"n" [167] [151] 18985,2:[137] 1200
- 1130 [153]"load"b$"sysvalnter the name of file to boot"
- 1140 [153]"((NULL)ype '*' at end of name)":[151]1080,45:le[178]15:[141]520
- 1150 [129] y[178]1064 [164] 1079:a[178]y[170]17922:v[178][194](y):[139] v [177] 0 [175] v [179] 27 [167] v[178]v[170]64
- 1160 [151] a,v:[130]:[153]
- 1170 [133]"openvalnter (NULL)(NULL)(NULL) ((NULL)eturn=peekatn(NULL)right$len)";sy
- 1180 [139] sy[178]0 [167] [151]18985,1:[137] 1200
- 1190 [151] 18985,0:h[178][181](sy[173]256):l[178]sy[171]256[172]h:[151] 19036,l:[151] 19037,h
- 1200 [133]"loadascilename of demo";f$
- 1210 [153]"(NULL)aving demo...";
- 1220 [159]2,8,2,"0:"[170]f$[170]",p,w"
- 1230 [152]2, [199](1);[199](8);
- 1240 [129] j[178]16252 [164] 19064:[152]2,[199]([194](j));
- 1250 [139] st [177] 0 [167] [153]" valrror during save":[152]2:[160]2:[128]
- 1260 [130]:[160]2:[153]" (NULL)o valrrors":[128]
- 1270 [131] black,white,red,cyan,purple,green,blue,yellow
- 1280 [131] orange,brown,lt red,dk gray,med gray,lt green,lt blue,lt gray
- 1290 [131] 0,1,11,0,5,1,2,6,1,5
- 1300 [131] 0,11,12,15,1,1,15,12,11
- 1310 [131] 0,9,2,8,10,10,8,2,9
- 1320 [131] 0,5,3,13,1,1,13,3,5
- 1330 [131] 0,6,14,3,1,1,3,14,6
- 1340 [131] 10,7,13,3,14,3,13,7,10